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Catchy Business domain name generation best practices


Ever wonder how popular websites get popular? The magic lies within their business domain name. Choosing the right business domain is what can get you landed somewhere on the first page of any search query results. There are a couple of things to consider when settling for a domain name for your business. In today’s time, your domain name also plays a role in the success of your business. It can be hard to think of catchy business ideas and corresponding domain names. 

How can I choose a good business domain name?

Over the years, best practices for domain names registration and selection have been formulated and evolved. Nowadays, catchy names with “keywords” related to your domain matter a lot. Here are a few Best practices to choose the right domain name that suits your business:

Keep it simple

Customers always avoid complexities. It means, the simpler you keep your brand name and business domain name, the more are the chances that the customers will remember your brand name and so your business domain as well. 

Stick to .com

Even though you have a tech business or any other type like an organizational level thing, it is advisable to stick to the classic .com prefix. It is easier to recall and is almost on every internet users’ fingertips

Use keyword-based names

Keywords play a vital role in the searchability of your website. Keywords tell the search engine what the domain is about. Keywords can get you ranked good if there is relevant quality content.

Make it brandable

Your domain name must be brand-able. It means you need to come up with something that is unique and hasn’t been identified with some other domain yet. For example, is a brandable name, much catchy and easy to recall instead of “” 

Double letters aren’t a good idea

Whether it is lullaby or Mississippi, you are bound to make a typo while typing these. What’s common in both? They have double letters! Imagine if you had a double-lettered word for a domain name and it turns out that the users keep on mistyping it. You’d lose the traffic.


Use Domain name generators for ideas

IT is best to search about your concerned domain first. But using Domain name generators is also a good idea too. It gives you options and commotion of keywords to implement while settling for a Domain name.

iNET Marketplace is a secure platform to buy and sell domains

There are various places on the web to look for domains. iNET domains marketplace is a safe and reliable platform where you can get your unused business domain name listed and wait for the right buyer to approach you. Similarly, if you are in search of a previously registered domain, you can search for it in the marketplace and close a deal with the seller. To avoid domain scams, it is a best practice to use an escrow service. This way, your domain will be sold safely and the payments are ensured.

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